Salt spray corrosion test box is how to form salt spray

The cause of salt fog is mainly due to the intense disturbance of seawater in the ocean, the breaking of wind and waves, and the generation of large amounts of bubbles and bubbles in the waves. When the bubbles burst, tiny droplets of water are generated. Most of the droplets fall due to gravity, and some of them are in the same swirling diffusion. Balanced and spread over the sea. They rise into the air with the air flow, and they evolve into dispersed systems through cracking, evaporation, mixing, and other processes, forming atmospheric salt cores. These salt nucleuses can reach an altitude of over 2,000 meters with rising air currents. These sea salt particles or salt sprays distributed on the surface of the sea are transported to the land along with the wind and the currents. They can float in the inland of the sea many kilometers away from the sea, and can go hundreds of kilometers inland when the typhoon strikes. Do not underestimate these small salt sprays, they can cause some serious damage to metal objects, auto parts, etc. Therefore, salt spray corrosion test cases came into being. The salt spray corrosion test box can accelerate the corrosion of materials or products under a certain temperature and relative humidity environment, and reproduce the damage degree of the materials or products in a certain period of time. Can be used to assess the ability of materials and its protective layer against salt spray corrosion, and the similar quality of the protective layer of the process can also be used to assess the ability of some products to resist salt spray corrosion, which is the salt spray corrosion test box To the role.


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