The box is exposed to the charm blue watch will really come?

[China Packaging Network News] Recently, microblogging Ubuntu team exposed a suspected no blue watch box picture, the figure shows "charm blue watch" words, and its color style and charm blue hand packaging machine style is similar. Earlier, it was revealed that the charm blue watch will use a round design, and then silence the remains, then after the exposure does it mean that the charm blue watch really is coming?

QQ screenshot
Charm Blue has registered multiple Weibo accounts such as Charm Blue Watch and Charm Blue Tablet since the release of the mobile phone, but no microblogging has been issued yet. Although these accounts are not used, but also think that the charm of the blue series will be possible to launch flat, watch and other products, as to when to launch Meizu on the side. At present, Lenovo, HTC, Asus, Samsung and other brands will release new products in the launch event. Isn't Charm Blue still active?

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