Climbing Team and News Index of Chogon Peak in 2004

K2 2004 Expeditions and News Index
Climbing Team and News Index for climbing Qor Gelin in 2004 Izu translate from:

The Japan Team Dosanko* K2 Expedition 2004 is expected to be among the many expeditions going to K2 for the 50th Anniversary of the first summit of K2. The Expedition is led by Masahide Matsumoto.
In 2004, the Rebun-machi mountaineering team in Japan was among the many climbing teams who planned to climb Koroli Peak to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first summit of the Chogori Summit. The mountaineering team was led by Miyano.
(* Rebun-cho is the northernmost island of Hundred Flowers in Japan. There are all kinds of rocks, sea urchins, and kelps represented by Taoyan. It is an island rich in marine resources.)

Japan Team Dosanko K2 Expedition 2004 (Japanese Rebukuro Mountaineering Team)
Mr. Masahide Matsumoto (leader: Miyano Mori)
K2 8611m (Climbing: Chogori)
Coming on 5/20/2004 (Time: May 20, 2004)
Members 01 (number: 1)

The Austria International Broad Peak and K2 Expedition 2004 will be lead by Alfred Schreilechner. Alfred Schreilechner, a veteran climber, was also on K2 in 2003. The expedition will include Claude-Andr?Nadon.
In 2004, the Austrian international mountaineering team will be led by Alfred Schlechner. Alfred Schlechner is an experienced climber who climbed the peak of Chogori in 2003. The climbers will include Crawty Andr-Narden.

Photos from his 2003 expedition (Photos of the 2003 Mountaineering Team)

Alfred Schelechenna

Claude-Andr? Nadon in C3 (7400m) on the Abruzzi spur (lower shoulder).

Lawy-Andre-Nardon, 7400m above sea level, 3rd Battalion, at the mouth of Abraz (lower shoulder area)

Alfred after skiing the lower slopes of the central south face of K2

Alfred after skiing on the low slopes in the heart of the southern wall of the Chogori Peak

Muztagh Tower

Mazta Ice Tower
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