Find new coordinates in life in the smart home industry

Li Haixue: General Manager of Hangzhou Fei Keer Technology Co., Ltd. The company is mainly engaged in smart home products and provides a full range of smart home service solutions.
Li Haixue: General Manager of Hangzhou Fei Keer Technology Co., Ltd. The company is mainly engaged in smart home products and provides a full range of smart home service solutions.

All said that forty is not confused, Li Haixue seems to really confirm this sentence.

He started his business at the age of 40 and found the new coordinates of his life. From the start of the business to the present, he spent four years, and he used the four years to complete the transformation from technician to boss. The process of metamorphosis is full of entanglement and struggle, but like the rain will be fine, and the change will make him gain something.

Li Haixue's corporate office is located on Xixi Road. This is a small building that looks very simple, but the equipment in the office is almost entirely intelligent. In addition, his home also uses a full set of smart home equipment. Whether it is work or life, "smart" has become a part of his life, and the future will be his direction of continuous efforts and progress.

It’s really hard for technicians to run the market!

But the company has a weekly sales case analysis meeting

At the beginning of 2009, Li Haixue was determined to start a business.

At the time, he was also the vice president of technology at an electric company, holding company stocks and earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. From a general technician to the position of the company's technical director, he spent a full 10 years, and leaving this position, between a thought.

"I always wanted to do something myself. I am 40 years old. I don't think it will be too late to act." Li Haixue said that the entrepreneurial dream in his heart is hesitant in front of a generous and stable job. Resignation means starting from scratch. That is to say, the ten years of effort and accumulation in life no longer exist. "Whether I left, I experienced a complicated ideological struggle." Li Haixue said that at that time, he was so anxious that he had a sore mouth and eventually decided to take the initiative.

From the registration of Hangzhou Fei Keer Technology Co., Ltd. to the beginning of recruiting, Li Haixue, like all entrepreneurs, started as a technician, salesman and general manager, and took all the things of the company. However, Li Haixue is very confident in the technology, so he is also very confident about the smart home products that the company develops and produces. But how to pass this confidence to the customer, he is guilty!

"I don't know where to start when I look at the toolbox to sell products." Li Haixue said that he was originally an introvert, and he has been concentrating on technology for many years, and he does not know the marketing tips. Therefore, he mobilized his wife and relatives to join their marketing team, they are responsible for playing front, Li Haixue provides technical support, thus opening the market deadlock.

“I know that marketing is not easy, so after our company formed a sales team, I asked for a regular sales meeting every week. This meeting is more careful than any meeting, we have to take out the sales case of each salesman. Analysis, what step did they do? What problems have they encountered? We all come together to find a solution and solve it together." Li Haixue said that the company’s salesman must have goals every year, the season is planned, the moon is planned, and every day. There are actions, daily work must have goals, there are comparisons, and analysis. Avoid the blindness and inefficiency of work.

The market has come, Hangzhou Fei Keer Technology Co., Ltd. has achieved profit in just two years, which makes Li Haixue double confidence.

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